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To make sure that you are satisfied with the product(s) you receive, please inspect the contents as soon as your order arrives. Once products are delivered to you as per the original order placed, there is no refund or exchange possible. As our products are perishable, all product sales are final.

Buffet will be happy to replace any item(s) in the unlikely events like:


  • Product might be damaged or spoiled during transit.

  • The product is not delivered frozen or at required temperature.

  • The product has manufacturing quality defect.


In any of the case mentioned above, please return these products to the delivery person along with a remark on the delivery receipt. Please contact customer service through the contact us link on the website and mention the return of products along with the order number, and the date of delivery.

All returned items must be accompanied by a copy of the original receipt. Please note that in we cannot offer exchanges or refunds on any opened or used products unless found to be defective.

Buffet will not be responsible for products being undelivered as a result of incorrect address information supplied to us or for inability of a recipient to receive the package at the time of delivery.

Please note that for orders placed using Credit card, Debit Card & Net banking, the refund once processed may take between one to three weeks to reflect on your Credit Card or bank account statement. There will be no cash refund.


You will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

Non- Refundable/ Non- returnable Products / Services:

Products that have not been stored in the required storage condition of -18C or due to poor handling after receipt from our delivery agent, will not be accepted for return or refund.

Contact Us

If you have any questions on how to return your item to us, contact us.


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