نحن نقدم خدمات دقيقة، نوعية محددة، التعبئة والتغليف نظيفة مع التسليم في الوقت المحدد. – مصنع إنتاج، التعبئة والتغليف نظيفة، الحذر تحميل البضائع في سفينة النقل، حفظ نقل البضائع إلى موقع الشحن. لدينا الدجاج المجمدة كلها خصيصا ذبحت وفقا لذلك الإسلامية (الحلال) والمتطلبات الدولية. جميع الشحنات من منتجاتنا إلى منافذ التسليم هي نوعية تفتيشها مع سياسة موافقة مخصصة كاملة لجميع السلع على متن المؤمن ومغطاة بوليصة التأمين. شرائح الدجاج؛ 1.
الدجاج المجمد كله
2.قدم الدجاج المجمدة
3. الدجاج المجمد الكفوف
4. الثدي المجمد الدجاج
5. الفخذين الدجاج المجمدة
6.المجمدة الدجاج طبل
7. المجمدة الساق الدجاج الساق
8. أجنحة الدجاج المجمدة
9. جيززاردز الدجاج
10. الكبد الكريم 11.
boneeles شرائح الدجاج بلا جلد، وجميع أجزاء الدجاج الأخرى وصف تفصيلي: – غسلها ونظيفة. – دون الجلد الأصفر. – لا الريش. – لا رائحة سيئة. – لا دم. – لا كدمات. – لا منصات سوداء. – لا آثار للجروح العميقة المنحوتة. – لا تحرق الأمونيا. – العظام المكسورة: أقل من 3٪. – محتوى الرطوبة: أقل من 1٪. – الصرف: 0 إلى -5 درجة مئوية لمدة 8 ساعات. – انتقد في: -40 درجة مئوية. – التخزين في: -18 درجة مئوية – 100٪ طازجة ومجمدة آمنة للاستهلاك البشري تخزين، تحميل ونظام النقل. تخزينها في غرف البرد للإرسال في وقت مبكر أو المجمدة وتخزينها لإرسالها على النحو المطلوب يتم التحميل في المنصات المبردة، التي تحتوي على كل البليت 1MT / 1000KG. لدينا طريقة التعبئة والتغليف، يحمي المنتج من التلوث، الضرر وفقدان الرطوبة والفساد من قبل الكائنات الحية الدقيقة كما يتطلب العملاء، المنتج: الصف المعالج ” A ” قدم الدجاج المجمد والقدمين الجودة: الصف أ متوسط وزن القدم: 40 -60 جرام / قطعة متوسط طول القدم: 12 – 18 سم / قطعة متوسط وزن الكفوف: 35 -60 غرام / قطعة متوسط طول الكفوف: 10 – 15 سم / قطعة الحجم: 35-65 غرام مواصفات ظهور الشرط: نظيف لا الريش لا رائحة سيئة لا الدم لا الوسادة السوداء لا كدمة لا حروق الكيميائية بروكين بونز أقل من 3٪ الرطوبة أقل من 1٪ أقدام الدجاج وسادة الاحتفاظ بها ودون ضرر متطلبات المجمدة: انفجار المجمدة في -40 درجة مئوية مخزنة في -18o C لمزيد من التفاصيل، لا الاتصال بنا للحصول على ضيف معين
brfsaglobal Halal Processing: THe BesT of Brazilian cHicken for THe MusliM World
Francisco turra, executive President of the Brazilian Chicken Producers and exporters association (aBeF)
Brazil started exporting chicken meat almost 35 years ago, when the coun- try had already embarked on a course that would lead it to become the world’s third largest producer and biggest exporter of this im- portant source of animal protein. And the first ship- ments of Brazilian chicken were destined to countries
Galo (Cock) – 1974
Serigra a.
By: Aldemir Martins (1922-2006)
The right to use this image for this cover was kindly granted by Mr. Pedro Martins, curator of the work of painter Aldemir Martins.
www.brazil-frozen-food.com in the Muslim region, no less. Today it is a great source of pride for Brazil to have the Muslim market as one of its largest chick- en meat clients. In 2009, for example, we shipped 1.37 million tonnes to Middle East markets alone. This repre- sented almost 38% of Brazilian chicken meat ex- ported during the year. https://www.brazil-frozen-food.com/ During the Fast of Ramadan, for example, it is common to see Brazilian chicken meat on the tables of Muslim consumers. Special products such as the griller and the shawarma are widely favored. The superior quality and high sanitary stan- dards of Brazilian chicken meat have of course been important differentials in achieving this suc- cess. But it is also clear that we would not have come so far were it not for the excellence and strictness with which our chicken producers and exporters carry out the halal ritual, so that Muslim consumers can feel completely comfortable with the Brazilian product. Brazil meatpackers have been specially pre- pared to slaughter poultry according to Islamic rules. These procedures are constantly checked by specialists from certification bodies that are fully recognized by importing countries, and which ac- company the process inside the Brazilian compa- nies. Brazilian chicken meat is exported only when it is considered proper for consumption according to Islamic rules. The growing presence of Brazilian chicken meat on Muslim tables over the last three years represents an important stimulus for our produc- ers and exporters to forge ever closer links with Muslim countries
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wholesale chicken breast manufacturers We are delighted to be producing this book describing the history of, and the contribution made by, the Brazilian poultry industry, a success story rarely found in the history of the world. For centuries, this activity was carried out virtually exclusively at a family level, but in recent decades has become totally professional and expanded extraordinarily. Suffice it to say that Brazil is today the world’s largest exporter – supplying some 160 markets – and third largest producer of chicken meat. This expansion is due to several preponderating factors, beginning with a harmonious integration between poultry producers and slaughterhouses. This process began in the 1960s, and enabled Brazil to produce flavorsome, high-quality animal protein as a result of corn and soybean-based feed; animal health – which is our hallmark; and sustainability. Brazil’s poultry industry has not only grown economically. A true social revolution has taken place. The production chain provides direct and indirect employment for four and a half million people. Simultaneously, thousands and thousands of poultry farmers have consolidated their activities, enabling their families to put down roots in the countryside, generating employment and income, and boosting the area around many smaller Brazilian cities. Brazil’s outstanding position as a producer and exporter of a highly nutritious and healthy animal protein is underpinned by sustainability in all its aspects. In partnership with the Brazilian government, biosecurity procedures assure the perfect health of poultry-raising activities. We have adopted and continually disseminate best practices in animal welfare. We conserve the environment in our productive cycle, and use as little as possible of valuable natural resources like water. The whole world, not only Brazil, will face the challenge of combating famine and under-nourishment. We can guarantee that Brazil’s poultry industry will be there to help, providing affordable, highly nutritious, healthy food.
Our Top 10 Main Export Market:
– Direct Chicken Export To China,
– Direct Chicken Export To Hong Kong,
– Direct Chicken Export To Canada,
– Direct Chicken Export To #Europe,
– Direct Chicken Export To #America,
– Direct Chicken Export To Japan,
– Direct Chicken Export To South Korea, Thailand,
– Direct Chicken Export To Thailand,
– Direct Chicken Export To Singapore,
– Direct Chicken Export To #Africa,
Contact Us For The Best Quality Of Halal
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Contact Us Directly For More Info:
EMAIL : globalfrozenchicken@gmail.com
Business Whatsapp: +556135508139
Our Website: www.brazil-frozen-food.com
... #Italy #Spain #Iraq #Poland #Russia #SaudiArabia #Uzbekistan #Malaysia #Romania #phillipines #mexico #china #dubai #morroco #Canada #Brazil #usa #hongkong #Japan #SouthAfrica #UnitedKingdom #Germany #France #Chile #Georgia #Egypt #Iran #Italy #Netherlands #Algeria #Germany #Lebanon #Angola #UnitedArabEmirates #Israel #Libya #Singapore #Germany #Argentina #SaudiArabia